Learning to Live Beyond My Self-Imposed Limitations

As a child I was taught to follow the rules; if not, there would be consequences. Or at least the fear of such consequences was somehow instilled in me early on in my childhood. When I was 12 years old, my family left our country of origin, Bulgaria, to seek better opportunities and a new life in foreign lands. Our journey ultimately brought us to the United States, but little did I know that this new immigrant experience would take me further and further away from myself.

The life of an immigrant child often becomes a life shrouded in fear of not living up to the expectations of the parents who made the enormous sacrifice of leaving behind their own hopes and dreams to pursue a better future for their children. It is the children’s “better future” that often becomes the focal point to the immigrant experience; and a burden that many immigrant children must carry. It is no surprise, therefore, that fear of failure, cautiousness, and a “playing-it- safe” mentality has followed me most of my life. Ultimately, my “better future” led to a successful career as a military attorney in the U.S. Air Force and a legal and policy advisor with the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

Despite my professional success, however, I couldn’t shake the feeling that somehow, I was not living the life of my own choosing. And so, for the first time in my life, I resolved to explore my own passion and look for my own true meaning and purpose. It was at this point in my life that I first stumbled upon my own limiting beliefs. Identifying and acknowledging them was the first step. Overcoming them has been yet another journey. The outcome, however, has been the discovery of my passion for coaching, and better yet, my passion to help others discover and live their own full potential.

I have helped many clients identify and work through limiting beliefs that prevented them from showing up as the people they really wanted to show up in their own lives. If you feel held back or stuck personally or professionally due to your own limiting beliefs, coaching with me can help get you back on track. Schedule a free strategy session now!


“Amazing! I got so much value. In my mind I thought at first everything was clear to me, but during one session [Meg] was able to unlock parts of me that were in conflict but were not visible to me; she helped me visualize and recognize those parts and integrate them to resolve the conflict. Even better, at the end I had a plan on how to move forward, and I am now committed to taking action.” Maricel R.

“Her style is organic and she has a natural intuition. She was a scientist excavating with her questions and guiding you through the process.” Gloria K.

“Many of us just coast through life never understanding that we live with many limitations we have unconsciously imposed on ourselves. My coaching sessions not only helped me identify and work on limiting beliefs that have held me back my whole life, they also expanded my awareness of the unlimited potential we all have within us.” Natalia L.